In celebration of the 100st anniversary of the foundation of the State of Czechoslovakia and reviewing 1000 years Czechia,
MERO-TSK manufactured a one of a kind Arcus for this exhibition.
Is one of the most versatile exhibition systems. One of its characteristics is the imitation of structural shapes prevailing in nature.

M12 Lightweight Domes
The lightweight dome system of M12 is conceived for full and semispheres and dome segments with a predominantly decorative function.
Thus are created attractive pavilions, roofings and zestfully rounded wall designs.
A cladding with commercially available materials is possible.

M12 Frame Girder
Be it ceiling structures or functional assemblies at fairs, exhibitions or in showrooms, the use of frame girders is possible for almost every field of application.

M12 Space Frame System
The M12 space frames can, depending on material and finish, be used as well for interior as for exterior applications.
They offer a decorative solution and provide the right accentuation.